Modern Jute Cultivation, Care, Disease control and Sales method

Jute is an important cash crop in Bangladesh. Jute is cultivated in about 10% of the total agricultural land in Bangladesh. Jute is used to make various products such as yarn, fabric, plastic and resin. The following are the important factors in modern jute cultivation: The following are the important factors for disease control in modern jute cultivation: The sales method in modern jute cultivation is as follows: To get high yield in modern jute cultivation, farmers should take training from the Department of Agricultural Extension.

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The Vegetarian Meat – Jackfruit

Jackfruit, also known as the “king of fruits,” is a tropical fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. It is a large fruit that can grow up to 80 pounds in weight and is covered in a spiky, green skin. Jackfruit is an incredibly versatile fruit that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, making it a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world. The fruit has a unique flavor that has been described as a blend of banana, pineapple, and mango. With its abundant nutrient content,…

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CitizenLab founder Aline Muylaert shares her business advice

The speed at which you can get your primary product out to your customers will often determine your success, or failure, in business, says Aline Muylaert co-founder of CitizenLab. She spoke to BBC News as part our business advice series CEO Secrets. “When building a business, the most important virtue is speed,” says 27 year-old Muylaert, speaking from the CitizenLab headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. “Speed is more important than perfection.” CitizenLab is a digital platform primarily used by local governments to help them engage people online and make informed decisions.…

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The company where colleagues decide your salary

A software firm is taking a radical approach to how it treats employees. 10Pines tries to be transparent and democratic, even allowing staff to set each other’s salaries. Ariel Umansky decided to turn down his proposed 7% pay rise in December 2020. He felt he could not justify it in front of his colleagues. In fact it was the second time in five years that he’d declined a raise at 10Pines. “I felt kind of insecure and exposed about me being close to or even on top of people that…

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My billion-pound company has no office – Johnny Boufarhat, CEO of Hopin

In just two years, Johnny Boufarhat has turned his online conference-hosting platform, Hopin, into a company valued at over £4bn. He employs more than 650 people, but some of them he’s never met and none of them work from a central office. According to The Sunday Times Rich List, the 27-year-old is now the UK’s youngest self-made billionaire and in a recent round of fundraising Hopin raised $400m from private investors, giving it an impressive valuation of $5.65bn (£4.05bn). But he likes to do things differently. “Being a fully-remote company allows us to…

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15 Bangladeshi students receive academic degree in Russia

A total of 15 Bangladeshi graduates of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) received their BA diploma degree through a ceremony that took place at the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, recently. The graduates in the field of nuclear power and thermo-physics are: Amin Al, Amin MD Tanvirul, Bin Azad Abid Hasan, Kabir Saif, Keya Tamanna Islam, Mistry Sujit Kumar, Newaz Asif, Omar Salauddin, Sadhukhan Ramit Kumar, Siddique MD Abu Bakar, Tarequzzaman, Uddin Misbah, Fahim Saiyed Tasnim, Hossain Zakir, Hridoy Rezouanul Kabir and Shikhon Waliur Rahman. The guests present there…

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Growing lockdown versus future of education

The epidemic, which started early last year, is about to turn two years. People never imagined that people would be virtually stagnant for so long. Weakness towards good fortune is human nature, so people have always hoped that everything will be fine soon, and they have actually passed quite a long period. In the meantime, of course, many precious lives have been lost or are being lost, many people have lost their livelihood. The people of small and medium capital have come to the brink of spending their accumulated money…

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Businesses yet to avail stimulus loans will get priority: BB

The central bank asked all scheduled banks to provide stimulus loans to the affected industries and services sector firms, which are yet to get low-cost loans. The Banking Regulations and Policy Department of the Bangladesh Bank has issued a circular in this regard on Wednesday. “Loans to industries and services sector firms, which are yet to get any loans from the stimulus package, have to be given on priority basis,” said the circular. The BB also said these low-cost loans must not be concentrated within a few clients. On April…

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Harassment-free workplace for women

Workers have been the main asset in Bangladesh’s socioeconomic advancement over the years. The country had achieved the millennium development goals (MDGs-2015) and is moving fast towards attaining sustainable development goals (SDGs-2030) due to the huge contributions made by this precious asset. However, although Bangladesh is now on the verge of becoming a developing nation by graduating from the status of a least developed country, much still needs to be done in some areas including reforming relevant labour law, rules and policies for improving the work environment. More specifically, elimination…

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Prof Muhammad Yunus receives Olympic Laurel award, seeks vaccine patent waiver

Prof Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus has received the Olympic Laurel award during the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics in Japan on Friday. According to Tokyo 2020 organisers, they give the award to someone who has made significant contributions to the Olympic movement with achievements in education, culture, development, and peace through sport, reports Washington Post. The Olympic Laurel was first awarded at the 2016 Games and was given to Kipchoge Keino, a former Kenyan track athlete who was once the chair of the Kenyan Olympic Committee. According to UNB,…

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