Businesses yet to avail stimulus loans will get priority: BB

The central bank asked all scheduled banks to provide stimulus loans to the affected industries and services sector firms, which are yet to get low-cost loans. The Banking Regulations and Policy Department of the Bangladesh Bank has issued a circular in this regard on Wednesday. “Loans to industries and services sector firms, which are yet to get any loans from the stimulus package, have to be given on priority basis,” said the circular. The BB also said these low-cost loans must not be concentrated within a few clients. On April…

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Many small businesses closed, opportunities lost, but tax collection increases – How?


It is apparently perplexing how the government’s income tax revenue has grown at more than 20 per cent when economic activities and jobs have shrunk amid a pandemic of over one and a half years. Rasel Mia, a popular dressmaker for fashion designers based in Metro Shopping Mall in the city’s Dhanmondi area, finds it hard to understand how businesses can overcome uncertainties created out of the pandemic. He used to get huge orders from customers especially before Eid festivals, and Pohela Boishakh. In January 2020, he started expanding his…

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