Modern Jute Cultivation, Care, Disease control and Sales method

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Jute is an important cash crop in Bangladesh. Jute is cultivated in about 10% of the total agricultural land in Bangladesh. Jute is used to make various products such as yarn, fabric, plastic and resin.

The following are the important factors in modern jute cultivation:

  • Seed source: Good quality seeds are essential for jute cultivation. In modern jute cultivation, high-yielding, disease-resistant, and drought-tolerant varieties are used.
  • Land selection: Jute cultivation is best suited for high, well-drained, and sandy loam soils.
  • Fertilizer management: Both organic and inorganic fertilizers are used in jute cultivation. Organic manures such as cow dung, garbage, and straw are used. Inorganic fertilizers such as urea, TSP and MOP are used.
  • Irrigation management: Irrigation is very important in jute cultivation. During jute cultivation, adequate irrigation needs to be provided.
  • Care: Weeding, weeding, pest and disease control, etc. are done in jute cultivation.
  • Planting: Jute is usually cultivated by sowing seeds. Fertilizer is applied during seed sowing.
  • Weeding: Weeding is very important during jute cultivation. Weeding improves the growth of jute and increases yield.
  • Pest and disease control: Pests and diseases can attack jute cultivation. Insecticides and fungicides are used to control pests and diseases.
  • Cutting: Jute plants are cut when they are mature. Jute is usually cut in September-October.
  • Trimming: After cutting jute, it is trimmed. Through trimming, the fiber of jute is separated.
  • Fiber drying: The trimmed jute fibers are dried. After the fiber is dried, the fiber is sold.

The following are the important factors for disease control in modern jute cultivation:

  • Symptom identification: It is very important to identify the symptoms of the disease. Only by identifying the symptoms of the disease can it be treated.
  • Disease control: Insecticides and fungicides are used to control diseases.
  • Disease prevention: Disease-resistant varieties are used to prevent diseases.

The sales method in modern jute cultivation is as follows:

  • Wholesale: Jute farmers sell jute to wholesale traders.
  • Wholesaler: Wholesale traders sell jute to jute wholesalers.
  • Factory: Wholesalers sell jute to jute factories.

To get high yield in modern jute cultivation, farmers should take training from the Department of Agricultural Extension.

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