The company where colleagues decide your salary

A software firm is taking a radical approach to how it treats employees. 10Pines tries to be transparent and democratic, even allowing staff to set each other’s salaries. Ariel Umansky decided to turn down his proposed 7% pay rise in December 2020. He felt he could not justify it in front of his colleagues. In fact it was the second time in five years that he’d declined a raise at 10Pines. “I felt kind of insecure and exposed about me being close to or even on top of people that…

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Google to allow users delete last 15 minutes of search history

Search History

Google has rolled out a set of new privacy features, including an option that would let users delete their last 15 minutes of search history on mobile. Announcing extra protection for Google’s search history, a company executive said in a blog post that the new privacy features are particularly important for those who share a device and want to make sure others aren’t able to access their search history. Google is now giving users a way to put extra protection around the searches saved in their accounts. When signing in…

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